Discovering the Wonders of West Jericoacoara: 6 Unmissable West Tour Attractions

The mixture of river, sea, marine life, exuberant nature, flying roots, mangroves, steep dunes, adventure sports, calm lagoons, fresh food and delicious coconuts, guaranteed fun at this tour. Today’s post is about the most adventurous tour of Jericoacoara, and the one I liked the most, the tour through the west side.

You can take the tour by buggy or 4x4. Pickup and return times are scheduled directly with your guide and usually start around 9:00 am and you return around 5:00 pm

Check here all the attractions of the West Tour:

1. Seahorses

At the first stop you can take a boat for a short ride in the seahorses preservation area at Guriú River. I loved it, the boats are guided by local guides that know everything about the region, they explain about the local flora and fauna, fish, crabs and of course the star of the tour, the seahorse. The tour is optional and lasts about 20 minutes and is charged separately and costs about R$ 20.



Puffer Fish

Guriú River

2. Crossing the Guriú River by ferryboat

The tour continues on the west side, crossing the Guriú River, where the transportation goes up on a ferry. For me it was a lot of fun, we filmed the crossing with a drone, you can check it out on our YouTube channel: Pilot Mariana.

Guriú River by ferryboat

3. Dry Mangrove

After the crossing you arrive at Mangue Seco, think of a beautiful place! The roots of the trees are exposed creating a unique scenery. The infrastructure is very simple but super cozy, with hammocks, swings between the roots, perfect for photos.

Mangue Seco (Dry Mangrove)

4. Dunes

Adrenaline or Chill? Brace yourself for thrilling ups and downs as you explore this part of the tour. Prepare to conquer steep dunes and negotiate your desired level of adventure with the experienced guides. Whether you crave heart-pounding twists or prefer a more relaxed journey, they've got you covered. We embarked on this exhilarating ride with excitement, and it turned out to be an unforgettable experience that left no room for regrets.

5. Tatajuba Lagoon

At the Tatajuba Lagoon you can choose to relax in the calm waters and hammocks in the water or continue at a more adventurous pace (that’s what we chose). There you will find toboggans (skibundas), water slide and zip-lines to play in the lagoon, a delight. The average price is 15 reais to go down 3 times, but it depends on the place you choose.

Zip-Line at Tatajuba Lagoon

Tatajuba Lagoon Stop

6. Big Lake

The lake is surrounded by restaurants with hammocks and tables in the water. Its waters are very calm and a bath is great to revive the energies! One of the attractions of the restaurants is the so-called live menu. The seafood is presented to you on a tray for you to choose. For me it was the best tour in Jericoacoara, we sat with our feet in the water, and relaxed in this more rustic and calm environment, with fresh food and delicious cocktails.

Live Menu

Table in the Big Lake

Fresh Lobster and Fish

What to bring:

  • Sunscreen;
  • Take at least one bottle of water on the tours, the heat can punish;
  • Light clothing and swimming clothes;
  • Hats or Caps because the sun hits hard on the skull;
  • Sunglasses;
  • Camera.



Max Mustermann

Max Mustermann ist Experte für Online-Marketing und hat bereits zahlreiche Projekte aufgebaut in denen er sein Wissen unter Beweis gestellt hat. In diesem Blog erfährst du mehr über seine Expertise.

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