Rice Paper Omelette or Vietnamese Pizza - Recipe

Have you ever had a rice paper omelette? They’re a popular dish in Vietnam and they’re also known as ‘Vietnamese pizza’. If you haven’t had one before, they’re basically a rice flour omelette that’s rolled up and then fried. They’re usually served with a dipping sauce on the side.

It’s the perfect meal for when you want something light, but still packed with flavor. Plus, it’s a healthy alternative to traditional pizza.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Vietnamese Pizza - Recipe



  • Rice paper sheets
  • Eggs
  • Seasoning as you like: salt, pepper, sriracha, mayo, chillies


  • Green onions, chopped
  • Cheese
  • Whatever you like and have at home (corn, sausage, carrot, bell peppers, mushrooms, etc..)


  • Mix all the ingredients beside the rice paper in a bowl;
  • Heat up a nonstick skillet over medium heat;
  • Put a single sheet of rice paper on the skillet;
  • Wait the paper to become opaque and place a layer of your toppings;
  • Top with mayonnaise and sriracha;
  • Once the egg cooked, fold the rice sheet like a taco.


  • The Vietnamese Pizza is also a great dish to make for friends because it’s so easy and fun to customize with anything you have at home.
  • Press the rice paper down in a circular motion – it’ll curve up initially.
  • Don’t overload with toppings.

🕑 Preparation Time: 15 mins

🕑 Cooking Time: 10 mins



Max Mustermann

Max Mustermann ist Experte für Online-Marketing und hat bereits zahlreiche Projekte aufgebaut in denen er sein Wissen unter Beweis gestellt hat. In diesem Blog erfährst du mehr über seine Expertise.

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