Jericoacoara Unveiled: Your Complete Guide Before Embarking on an Adventure

Jericoacoara is the definition of paradise in the northeast of Brazil. It’s the kind of place that has a unique atmosphere, different from all the other places you’ve been to, and it’s well worth the visit. There are many activities to do there: sports, adventure, relax, parties and bars. Which makes it a cool trip for anyone at any age.

Where is Jericoacoara?

The Village of Jericoacoara is part of a municipality called Jijoca de Jericoacoara and is 300 km from Fortaleza, in the coastal area of Ceará. It is a place of breathtaking beauty, the sea and the lagoons are the main attractions, however, Jericoacoara is home of many other beautiful sights.

How to get to Jericoacoara?

The village of Jericoacoara can be accessed only with 4x4 vehicles from the town of Jijoca. If you travel by bus, car, or plane, it will only go as far as Jijoca and there you will change to the 4x4 transport. The options are the alternative transports, called pau-de-arara or jardineira (see photo below), or you can go inside the 4x4 trucks, with more comfort.

The access from Fortaleza to Jijoca is good, you can come by car, by bus or even by plane (there are direct commercial flights from São Paulo to Jijoca).

It is worth remembering that as in the case of most paradises the access to the village is not simple, it is necessary to cross huge sand dunes. So I leave the warning, the difficult road can be complicated if you have back problems or labyrinthitis, but the sacrifice is worth it.

What to do in Jericoacoara?

As Jericoacoara is home of many tourist attractions and natural beauty, and these attractions are divided into two sides: West Side and East Side. This means that there are tours proper to the West Side and others proper to the East Side. I recommend a minimum of three days to enjoy Jericoacoara, one day for the west side, one for the east side and one for the village. If you have more time you will be able to enjoy better the attractions in the village.

There are 3 options of transportation for these tours:

  • Buggys: which accommodate up to 4 people;

  • Jardineiras: you can have a private tour for your group or go with other people (this is the cheapest option)

  • 4x4 Trucks: the most comfortable way to do the tours, but also the most expensive.

Attractions in Jericoacoara Village

  • Sunset Dune

  • Pedra Furada

  • Jericoacoara Square

  • Beautiful Streets and Alleys

See more at the post: What to do at Jericoacoara Village

Attractions East Side Tour

  • Pedra Furada

  • Preá Beach

  • Blue Hole

  • Blue Lagoon

  • Paradise Lagoon

Attractions West Side Tour

  • Seahorses

  • Crossing the Guriú River by ferryboat

  • Dry Mangrove

  • Dunes

  • Tatajuba Lagoon

  • Big Lake

When to go to Jericoacoara?

The best time to go to Jericoacoara is from August to December, because there is no risk of rain cancelling the tours and days at the beaches. Besides, the lagoons are very full, since it usually rains a lot at the beginning of the year in Jericoacoara, which fills the seas and dunes. The worst time to go to Jericoacoara, on the other hand, is from February to May because of the high level of precipitation. Now, if you don’t like crowded places, also avoid traveling in July, November, December and January, as this is the high season period in Jericoacoara.

How many days to stay in Jericoacoara:

The minimum I would say would be 3 full days, to do the west, east tours and get to know the village. But to really enjoy the village, the restaurants and the beach I would recommend 5 days.



Max Mustermann

Max Mustermann ist Experte für Online-Marketing und hat bereits zahlreiche Projekte aufgebaut in denen er sein Wissen unter Beweis gestellt hat. In diesem Blog erfährst du mehr über seine Expertise.

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